Place a crypto currency buy or sell order against your RobinHood account
**Note**: Price and Quantity can both extend beyone 2 decimals **Note**: Price * Quantity > $0.01
- RH
object of class RobinHood
- symbol
(string) Ticket symbol you are attempting to buy or sell
- type
(string) "market" or "limit"
- time_in_force
(string) Good Till Canceled ("gtc"), Immediate or Cancel ("ioc"), or Opening ("opg")
- price
(number) the price you are willing to sell or buy at
- quantity
(number) number of shares you wish to transact
- side
(string) "buy" or "sell"
if (FALSE) {
# Login in to your RobinHood account
RH <- RobinHood("username", "password")
# Place an order, should generate an email confirmation
x <- place_order_crypto(RH = RH,
symbol = "DOGE", # Ticker symbol
type = "market", # Type of market order (market, limit)
time_in_force = "gtc", # Time period (gfd: good for day)
price = .003, # The highest price you are willing to pay
quantity = 500, # Number of shares you want
side = "buy") # buy or sell