Principal Components

       x1     x2     x3    x4     x5     x6
x1  1.000 -0.100  0.671 0.013  0.544  0.162
x2 -0.100  1.000  0.464 0.816  0.314  0.179
x3  0.671  0.464  1.000 0.507  0.462 -0.160
x4  0.013  0.816  0.507 1.000  0.582  0.051
x5  0.544  0.314  0.462 0.582  1.000 -0.044
x6  0.162  0.179 -0.160 0.051 -0.044  1.000

       x1               x2               x3               x4        
 Min.   : 8.200   Min.   : 6.259   Min.   : 7.135   Min.   : 6.210  
 1st Qu.: 9.313   1st Qu.: 9.209   1st Qu.: 9.045   1st Qu.: 8.927  
 Median : 9.828   Median :10.253   Median :10.169   Median :10.089  
 Mean   : 9.975   Mean   :10.109   Mean   :10.087   Mean   :10.084  
 3rd Qu.:10.614   3rd Qu.:11.006   3rd Qu.:11.007   3rd Qu.:11.262  
 Max.   :12.297   Max.   :13.834   Max.   :13.563   Max.   :14.018  
       x5               x6        
 Min.   : 6.399   Min.   : 3.260  
 1st Qu.: 8.421   1st Qu.: 8.009  
 Median :10.153   Median : 9.771  
 Mean   : 9.941   Mean   : 9.869  
 3rd Qu.:11.230   3rd Qu.:11.926  
 Max.   :14.687   Max.   :16.130  
Standard deviations (1, .., p=6):
[1] 3.017891e+00 2.563572e+00 1.517959e+00 1.123358e+00 5.274371e-01
[6] 1.472533e-08

Rotation (n x k) = (6 x 6):
           PC1         PC2         PC3         PC4         PC5         PC6
x1  0.04204824  0.13561610 -0.43777882 -0.40016623 -0.02461578 -0.79211803
x2  0.10306755  0.37620383  0.53544098 -0.09946666  0.71557069 -0.19802951
x3 -0.06111086  0.35286917 -0.07161650 -0.78263310 -0.09490671  0.49507377
x4  0.05321194  0.56786999  0.42326271  0.16724994 -0.65448653 -0.19802951
x5 -0.01790754  0.62553452 -0.57601203  0.43473997  0.21995796  0.19802951
x6  0.99031424 -0.04233845 -0.07471658 -0.02207772 -0.04014029  0.09901475
            [,1]        [,2]        [,3]        [,4]        [,5]
[1,]  0.04204824  0.13561610  0.43777882  0.40016623  0.02461578
[2,]  0.10306755  0.37620383 -0.53544098  0.09946666 -0.71557069
[3,] -0.06111086  0.35286917  0.07161650  0.78263310  0.09490671
[4,]  0.05321194  0.56786999 -0.42326271 -0.16724994  0.65448653
[5,] -0.01790754  0.62553452  0.57601203 -0.43473997 -0.21995796
[6,]  0.99031424 -0.04233845  0.07471658  0.02207772  0.04014029
[1,]  0.79211803
[2,]  0.19802951
[3,] -0.49507377
[4,]  0.19802951
[5,] -0.19802951
[6,] -0.09901475
[1]  9.107665e+00  6.571900e+00  2.304199e+00  1.261933e+00  2.781899e-01
[6] -5.334563e-16
         PC1          PC2          PC3          PC4          PC5 
9.107665e+00 6.571900e+00 2.304199e+00 1.261933e+00 2.781899e-01 
Importance of components:
                          PC1    PC2    PC3     PC4     PC5       PC6
Standard deviation     3.0179 2.5636 1.5180 1.12336 0.52744 1.473e-08
Proportion of Variance 0.4665 0.3366 0.1180 0.06464 0.01425 0.000e+00
Cumulative Proportion  0.4665 0.8031 0.9211 0.98575 1.00000 1.000e+00